py-pilkit | | Collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Libary |
py-Pillow | | Python Imaging Library (Fork) |
py-Pillow6 | | Python Imaging Library (Fork) |
py-pycha | | Library for making charts with Python |
py-pygal | | Python SVG graph plotting library |
py-pygraphviz | | Python interface to the Graphviz package |
py-qrcode | | Python QR Code image generator |
py-rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
py-scikit-image (V) | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scour | | Scour SVG Optimizer |
py-seaborn | | Statistical data visualization |
py-seqdiag | | Simple sequence-diagram image generator |
py-sk1libs | | Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project |
py-strich | | 1D and 2D barcode generator |
py-tifffile | | Read and write TIFF(r) files |
py-uniconvertor | | Universal vector graphics translator |
py-wand | | Ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python |
py-wcag-contrast-ratio | | Library for computing contrast ratios as required by WCAG 2.0 |
py-Willow | | Wrapper library for Pillow, OpenCV and Wand |
py27-cairosvg (V) | | Simple SVG Converter for Cairo |
qimageblitz | | Interm graphical effect and filter library for KDE4.0 |
qiv | | Quick Image Viewer |
qr-code-generator | | High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++ |
qr-code-generator16 | | High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++ (1.6 API) |
qrrs | | CLI tool for working with qr-codes |
qt6-qt3d | | Qt6 3d |
qt6-qtcharts | | Qt6 module for visualising data as charts |
qt6-qtdatavis3d | | Qt6 module for data visualization |
qt6-qtimageformats | | Additional image handlers for Qt6 |
qt6-qtlottie | | Qt6 module for lottie animations |
qt6-qtquick3d | | 3d engine for Qt6 quick |
qt6-qtquicktimeline | | Qt6 quick controls for keyframe animation |
qt6-qtshadertools | | Qt6 shadertools |
qt6-qtsvg | | Qt6 module for SVG |
quesoglc | | Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) |
qvplay | | Software for use with CASIO QV digital cameras |
R-Cairo | | R graphics device using cairo graphics library |
R-colorspace | | Toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes |
R-colourpicker | | Colour picker tool for Shiny and for selecting colours in plots |
R-dichromat | | Color schemes for dichromats |
R-effects | | Effect displays for linear, generalized linear, and other models |
R-farver | | High Performance Colour Space Manipulation |
R-ggExtra | | Add marginal histograms to 'ggplot2', and more 'ggplot2' enhancements |
R-ggplot2 | | Create elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics |
R-ggtern | | Extension to 'ggplot2', for the creation of ternary diagrams |
R-ggthemes | | Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2' |
R-gridExtra | | Miscellaneous functions for grid graphics |
R-igraph (V) | | Network analysis and visualization |
R-isoband | | Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids |
R-jpeg | | Read and write JPEG images |
R-labeling | | Axis labeling |
R-latex2exp | | Use LaTeX expressions in plots |
R-latticeExtra | | Extra graphical utilities based on lattice |
R-manipulateWidget | | Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts |
R-munsell | | Utilities for using Munsell colours |
R-png | | Read and write PNG images |
R-polyclip | | Polygon Clipping |
R-ragg | | Graphic Devices Based on AGG |
R-rgl | | 3D Visualization Using OpenGL |
R-scales | | Scale functions for visualization |
R-thematic | | Unified & Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2 / lattice / base' R Graphics |
R-tkrplot | | TK Rplot |
R-viridis | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' |
R-viridisLite | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version) |
rabbit | | RD-document-based presentation application |
radiance | | Physically-based, image-generating, backward raytracer |
raleigh-reloaded | | GTK-3.20 theme aiming to revive the classic Raleigh theme |
rawtherapee | | Powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program |
rayshade | | Extensible system for creating ray-traced images |
refocus-it | | Refocus images |
resize_image | | Fast image resizing tool |
ristretto | | Xfce image viewer |
rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
rrdtool12 (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
ruby-cairo | | Ruby bindings for cairo |
ruby-cairo-gobject | | Ruby binding of cairo-gobject |
ruby-chunky_png | | Pure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG |
ruby-clutter | | Ruby binding of Clutter |
ruby-clutter-gdk | | Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter |
ruby-clutter-gstreamer (V) | | Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer |
ruby-clutter-gtk | | Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK |
ruby-color | | Color value conversion and manipulation library |
ruby-color-japanese | | Defines RGB value for Japanese color names |
ruby-color-tools | | Provides colour space definition and manpiulation |
ruby-gd | | Ruby extension to drive the GD library |
ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 | | Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x |
ruby-gdk3 | | Ruby binding of GDK3 |
ruby-gnuplot | | Ruby interface to a gnuplot process |
ruby-image_size | | Measure image size using pure Ruby |
ruby-imlib2 | | Imlib2 bindings for Ruby |
ruby-mini-magick | | Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line |
ruby-oily_png | | Native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNG |
ruby-opengl | | Ruby bindings for OpenGL, GLU and GLUT |
ruby-RMagick | | Ruby binding to ImageMagick |
ruby-rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
ruby-rsvg2 | | Ruby binding of librsvg |
ruby-screengif | | Create animated gif screencasts |
ruby-SDL (V) | | Ruby extension library to use SDL library |
s10sh | | USB/serial userspace driver for Canon PowerShot cameras |
sane-airscan | | SANE backend for Apple AirScan (eSCL) and WSD |